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Text File | 1995-08-17 | 21.8 KB | 543 lines | [TEXT/gsVR] |
- %!
- % Copyright (C) 1994 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Ghostscript.
- %
- % Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- % to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- % particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- % to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- %
- % Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- % Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- % General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- % given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- % responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- % things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- % copies.
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- %
- % ps2ai.ps - a postscript to editable adobe illustrator file filter
- %
- /vers {2.13} def % April 25, 1994
- %
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- %
- % needs a postscript level 2 interpreter, like gnu ghostscript, to work
- %
- % Usage: gs -q -dNODISPLAY ps2ai.ps file.ps > file.aips
- % or (see below)
- % gs -q -dNODISPLAY ps2ai.ps file.ps
- % or
- % cat ps2ai.ps file.ps | lpr (then look in log file)
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- % Options
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- % Output Options: directly to a file or standard out
- %
- /jout false def % true=file false=stdout (default=false)
- /joutput (ps2ai.out.aips) def % Name of Output file
- %
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- %
- % Other Options
- %
- /jtxt3 true def % output text in AI3 form (false=ai88)
- % for coreldraw/photoshop readable output
- /joutln false def % use font outline instead of font
- /jerr false def % use error handling (ie die gracefully)
- /jbiterr false def % attempt to handle bitmap fonts (kludge)
- /jMacGS false def % true if using MacGS (not fully implemented yet)
- /jMacfix true def % convert filled boxes to lines (only usefull with
- % laserwriter 8 postscript input)
- %
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- % No options below here
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- %
- % - Notes -
- % ai uses cmykcolor, so level 1 interpreters don't work
- % ai doesn't use image/imagemask - so bitmaps don't work correctly
- % the output file has a header so it is viewable/printable/reconvertable
- %
- % Comments, suggestions, bug-fixes, etc send to:
- %
- % Jason Olszewski (olszewsk@splash.princeton.edu)
- %
- % anonymous ftp: toby.princeton.edu /pub/olszewsk/ps2ai.ps
- % URL ftp://toby.princeton.edu/pub/olszewsk
- %
- % - Fix History -
- % 2.13 check for bitmap fonts, work better with TeX,WinPS,etc
- % 2.12 fixed initclip to US letter size page
- % 2.11 added header support for *u/*U compound paths
- % 2.1 option of font outline instead of text(gwhite@trevnx.bio.dfo.ca)
- % 2.0 major change to complex path handling
- % 1.9 fixed text leaking ascii (,),\
- % 1.85 added default font to handle no setfont (Courier)
- % 1.84 added even-odd fill/clip (D)
- % 1.83 undefined PPD PageSize printer specific info
- % 1.82 added kludge to save clipping status through a restore
- % 1.81 added custom color/gray support to header (x/X, g/G)
- % 1.8 added newpath if clippath is not consumed correctly(amiga)
- % 1.79 eliminated scientific notation of numbers less than 0.0001
- % 1.78 fixed transposed h & H
- % 1.77 made laserwriter 8 fixes optional
- % 1.76 added margin fix for unix AI (brown@wi.extrel.com)
- % 1.75 added kludge to handle bitmap font errors (TeX, Windows.ps)
- % 1.74 made grestore a little smarter
- % 1.73 included header handle encoded fontname (/_fontname)
- % 1.72 fixed problem with restore/clip info - (not enough Qs problem)
- % 1.71 filter font names to remove previous encoding (|,_,etc)
- % 1.7 change text format to AI3, works better with PS & CD
- % 1.67 deal with weird makefonts
- % 1.66 handle to many bad stroke/fills (s s s w/o paths)
- % 1.65 more useable with non-gs interpreters (defaultmatrix fix)
- % 1.64 fixed "smart grestore" repeat bug
- % 1.63 fixed ashow/awidthshow bug
- % 1.62 check if cmykcolor is understood otherwise rgb
- % 1.61 made grestore smarter (only print if different)
- % 1.6 add better compatibility to CorelDraw and PhotoShop
- % 1.53 make it more gs-backward compatible (clarke@lsl.co.uk)
- % 1.52 handle clipping paths a little better (Posted)
- % 1.51 improve mac lw8 output (lines instead of filled boxes)
- % 1.5 handle some level 2 stuff (mac lw8)
- % 1.4 fixed scaling of linewidth and dash
- % 1.31 made trailer more AI88 friendly
- % 1.3 add ablity to output to file directly
- % 1.21 print matrix cleaner
- % 1.2 fix rotated fonts, thanks to G.Cameron (g.cameron@biomed.abdn.ac.uk)
- % 1.1 fix stroke/fill color difference (k vs K)
- % 1.0 posted to comp.lang.postscript
- %
- % - To Do List -
- % find real %%BoundingBox: llx lly urx ury
- % make MacGS friendly (line-endings)
- % handle eps w/o showpage:(append to end)
- % write out image data to external file
- %
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- % Nothing of Interest below here
- %xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- matrix identmatrix setmatrix % make ctm [1 0 0 1 0 0]
- /oldgsave {} def /oldgrestore {} def
- /initgraphics {} def /initmatrix {} def
- % undefine PPD PageSizes to be more printer independant
- /letter {} def /legal {} def /a4 {} def /b5 {} def /lettersmall {} def
- /setpagedevice { pop } def % for level 2 PPD PageSizes
- /Courier findfont 12 scalefont setfont % handle no setfont
- /initclip {0 0 moveto 0 792 lineto 612 792 lineto 612 0 lineto closepath
- clip newpath } def
- /xdef {exch def} def
- /trx {transform exch} def
- /cbdef {cvx bind def} def
- /jltz {dup abs 0.0001 lt {pop 0} if} def % get rid of scientific notation bug
- /clstate false def % closepath state
- /dpth false def % destroy path (ie newpath)
- /fclp false def % first paint after clip
- /kscl {1.0} def % default current scale X-factor
- /gcnt {1} def % graphics state counter
- /spth {1} def % multiple paths on stack
- /jeol (\n) def % default end-of-line
- /jnump {0} def % number of paths on stack
- /jx {0} def /jy {0} def /j_ax {0} def
- /j3ftxt true def
- /clarry 10 array def
- 0 1 9 {clarry exch false put} for % initilize no clipping path
- %
- % handle cmyk color on level 1 interpreters
- /setcmykcolor where {pop}
- {/setcmykcolor {
- /blk exch def /yel exch def /mag exch def /cyan exch def
- /ccomp {add dup 1 gt {pop 1} if} def
- /red {1 cyan blk ccomp sub} def
- /green {1 mag blk ccomp sub} def
- /blue {1 yel blk ccomp sub} def
- red green blue setrgbcolor
- } def
- } ifelse
- /currentcmykcolor where {pop}
- {/currentcmykcolor {
- currentrgbcolor /bval xdef /gval xdef /rval xdef
- /rawC 1 rval sub def /rawM 1 gval sub def /rawY 1 bval sub def
- rawC rawM ge { rawY rawM ge { /blk rawM def} if } if
- rawC rawY ge { rawM rawY ge { /blk rawY def} if } if
- rawY rawC ge { rawM rawC ge { /blk rawC def} if } if
- rawY rawC eq { rawM rawC eq { /blk rawC def} if } if
- /cyan rawC blk sub def
- /mag rawM blk sub def
- /yel rawY blk sub def
- /blk blk def
- cyan mag yel blk
- } def
- } ifelse
- % If using Mac Ghostscript
- jMacGS {
- % /jeol {(\r) jp} def
- /jout true def
- (%%Note: Loading ps2ai.ps\n) print
- } if
- /jstr 40 string def
- jout {joutput (w) file /joutput xdef} if
- %
- % Output
- %
- jout {/jp { joutput exch writestring } bind def }{/jp {print}bind def} ifelse
- /jpnum {jltz ( ) jp =string cvs jp } bind def
- /jpmat { dup /jarry exch def length 1 sub /j_num exch def
- (\[) jp 0 1 j_num {jarry exch get jpnum} for (\]) jp } def
- %
- % Stack to Paths converters
- %
- /ckpnt { % check which paint and clipping to use
- dpth { % if there are multiple paths on the stack
- clarry gcnt get fclp and {clstate {(h W\n) jp }{(H W\n) jp } ifelse} if
- spth 0 eq {clstate {(n\n) jp }{(N\n) jp } ifelse} if
- spth 1 eq {clstate {(s\n) jp }{(S\n) jp } ifelse} if
- spth 2 eq {clstate {(f\n) jp }{(F\n) jp } ifelse} if
- } if
- } def
- /jpm {
- ckpnt
- /dpth true def
- transform 2 copy /yst xdef /xst xdef exch jpnum jpnum ( m\n) jp } bind def
- /jpl { trx jpnum jpnum ( l\n) jp } bind def
- /jpc { 6 4 roll trx jpnum jpnum 4 2 roll trx jpnum jpnum trx
- jpnum jpnum ( c\n) jp } bind def
- /jpp {xst jpnum yst jpnum ( l\n) jp /clstate true def} def
- /cntpaths { % count paths on stack
- oldgsave
- {pop pop /jnump jnump 1 add def} {pop pop} {6 {pop} repeat}{} pathforall
- oldgrestore
- } def
- /ppforall {
- cntpaths % find out how many paths are on the stack
- jnump 1 gt { (*u\n) jp } if
- {jpm}{jpl}{jpc}{jpp} pathforall
- ckpnt
- jnump 1 gt { (*U\n) jp } if
- /jnump 0 def /clstate false def /dpth false def /fclp false def
- oldnewpath
- } bind def
- %
- % Painting Operators
- %
- /oldnewpath [/newpath load] cbdef
- /newpath { (\n) jp /spth 0 def ppforall} def
- /stroke { (\n) jp /spth 1 def ppforall } def
- /fill {(\n) jp /spth 2 def ppforall } def
- /eofill {(1 D\n) jp fill (0 D\n) jp} def
- /clip {clarry gcnt get {(Q\nq\n) jp}{(q\n) jp} ifelse
- /fclp true def clarry gcnt true put} def
- /eoclip {(1 D\n) jp clip (0 D\n) jp} def
- %
- % Text Operators
- %
- /oldshow [/show load] cbdef
- /curpt {stringwidth pop jx add jy} def
- /jNN {dup 0 eq {pop oldgsave currentfont /FontMatrix get setmatrix kscl
- oldgrestore} if
- } def
- /curftmatrix {
- currentfont /FontMatrix get dup 0 get jNN abs /norm exch def
- dup 0 get norm div exch dup
- 1 get norm div exch dup 2 get norm div exch dup 3 get norm div exch dup
- 4 get exch 5 get 6 array astore matrix currentmatrix matrix concatmatrix
- } def
- % AI does not support negitive font sizes
- /curftsize {currentfont /FontMatrix get 0 get jNN abs 1000 mul} def
- /hstr (X) def
- /vbar (|) 0 get def /undsc (_) 0 get def
- /ftnamefix { % handle font names with |,_ (previously encoded)
- jstr cvs
- { %forall
- dup vbar eq {pop}{ %ifelse
- dup undsc eq {pop}{ %ifelse
- hstr exch 0 exch put hstr jp
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } forall flush
- } bind def
- %/curftname {currentfont /FontName get ftnamefix}def
- /curftname { currentfont /FontName known {currentfont /FontName get}
- { (Times-Roman)} ifelse ftnamefix } def
- /lftpar (\() 0 get def
- /rhtpar (\)) 0 get def
- /bckslsh (\\) 0 get def
- /handft { % handle strings with (,),\
- (\() jp
- { %forall
- dup lftpar eq { (\\\() jp }{ %ifelse
- dup rhtpar eq { (\\\)) jp }{ %ifelse
- dup bckslsh eq { (\\\\) jp }{ %ifelse
- hstr exch 0 exch put hstr jp
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } ifelse
- } forall (\)) jp flush
- } bind def
- % AI 3 text format pieces
- jtxt3 {
- /j3txt { j3ftxt {(0 Ts 100 Tz 0 Tt 0 TA 0 0 5 TC 100 100 200 TW 0 0 0 Ti\n) jp
- (0 Ta 0 Tq 0 0 TI 0 Tc 0 Tw\n) jp} if } def
- /show {oldgsave (0 To\n) jp
- currentpoint 2 copy /jy exch def /jx exch def translate
- curftmatrix /jitm exch def
- 0 1 5 {jitm exch get jpnum} for ( 0 Tp\n) jp (TP\n) jp
- (0 Tr\n) jp (\/_) jp curftname curftsize jpnum ( Tf\n) jp
- (0) jp j_ax curftsize div 100 mul jpnum ( 100 TC\n) jp % percent(?)
- dup curpt moveto mark exch handft ( Tx\n) jp (TO\n) jp /j3ftxt false def
- cleartomark currentpoint oldgrestore moveto
- } def
- /ashow {exch pop exch /j_ax exch def show /j_ax {0} def } def
- }
- {
- /show {oldgsave (u\n) jp currentpoint 2 copy /jy exch def /jx exch def translate
- (\/) jp curftname jstr cvs jp
- curftsize dup jpnum jpnum ( 0 0 z\n) jp
- curftmatrix jpmat ( e\n) jp
- dup curpt moveto mark exch handft ( t T U\n) jp
- cleartomark currentpoint oldgrestore moveto} def
- /ashow {oldgsave (u\n) jp currentpoint translate (\/) jp curftname jstr cvs jp
- curftsize dup jpnum jpnum exch kscl mul jpnum ( 0 z\n) jp
- curftmatrix jpmat ( e\n) jp dup curpt moveto mark exch handft
- ( t T U\n) jp cleartomark currentpoint oldgrestore moveto} def
- } ifelse
- /widthshow { show pop pop pop} def
- /awidthshow {ashow pop pop pop} def
- /kshow {show pop} def
- %/show {true charpath fill} bind def % get outline of charactor
- joutln {/show { true charpath currentpoint
- /jy exch def /jx exch def fill jx jy moveto} bind def} if
- %/show {oldshow} def % do nothing different
- %
- % Color Operators
- %
- /oldsetcmykcolor [/setcmykcolor load] cbdef
- /setcmykcolor {oldsetcmykcolor
- currentcmykcolor 4 -1 roll jpnum 3 -1 roll jpnum 2 -1 roll jpnum jpnum ( k\n) jp
- currentcmykcolor 4 -1 roll jpnum 3 -1 roll jpnum 2 -1 roll jpnum jpnum ( K\n) jp
- } def
- /oldsetgray [/setgray load] cbdef
- /setgray {0 0 0 4 -1 roll 1 exch sub setcmykcolor} def
- /oldsethsbcolor [/sethsbcolor load] cbdef
- /sethsbcolor {oldsethsbcolor currentcmykcolor setcmykcolor} def
- /oldsetrgbcolor [/setrgbcolor load] cbdef
- /setrgbcolor {oldsetrgbcolor currentrgbcolor /bval xdef /gval xdef /rval xdef
- /rawC 1 rval sub def /rawM 1 gval sub def /rawY 1 bval sub def
- rawC rawM ge { rawY rawM ge { /blk rawM def} if } if
- rawC rawY ge { rawM rawY ge { /blk rawY def} if } if
- rawY rawC ge { rawM rawC ge { /blk rawC def} if } if
- rawY rawC eq { rawM rawC eq { /blk rawC def} if } if
- /cyan rawC blk sub def
- /mag rawM blk sub def
- /yel rawY blk sub def
- /blk blk def
- cyan mag yel blk setcmykcolor } def
- %
- % State Operators
- %
- /oldsetlinewidth [/setlinewidth load] cbdef
- /setlinewidth {kscl abs mul jltz oldsetlinewidth
- currentlinewidth jpnum ( w\n) jp } def
- /oldsetlinecap [/setlinecap load] cbdef
- /setlinecap {dup oldsetlinecap jpnum ( J\n) jp} def
- /oldsetlinejoin [/setlinejoin load] cbdef
- /setlinejoin {dup oldsetlinejoin jpnum ( j\n) jp} def
- /oldsetmiterlimit [/setmiterlimit load] cbdef
- /setmiterlimit {dup oldsetmiterlimit jpnum ( M\n) jp}def
- /oldsetdash [/setdash load] cbdef
- /setdash {exch [ exch {kscl abs mul} forall ] exch kscl abs mul oldsetdash
- currentdash exch jpmat jpnum ( d\n) jp } def
- /oldsetflat [/setflat load] cbdef
- /setflat {dup oldsetflat jpnum ( i\n) jp } def
- %
- % More State Operators
- %
- /kscl { % use just the x scale factor
- oldgsave
- matrix currentmatrix /jctm exch def
- jctm 4 0 put jctm 5 0 put jctm setmatrix
- 1 0 moveto currentpoint transform
- dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt 10000 mul round 10000 div
- oldgrestore
- } def
- /currentstate {currentcmykcolor setcmykcolor
- currentflat jpnum ( i) jp currentlinecap jpnum ( J) jp
- currentlinejoin jpnum ( j) jp currentlinewidth jpnum ( w) jp
- currentmiterlimit jpnum ( M ) jp currentdash exch jpmat jpnum ( d\n) jp
- } def
- /jdifG {
- currentcmykcolor /jok xdef /joy xdef /jom xdef /joc xdef
- currentflat /jof xdef currentlinecap /jolc xdef currentlinejoin /jolj xdef
- currentlinewidth /jolw xdef currentmiterlimit /joml xdef
- currentdash /jood xdef /joad xdef
- oldgrestore
- currentcmykcolor /jnk xdef /jny xdef /jnm xdef /jnc xdef
- currentflat /jnf xdef currentlinecap /jnlc xdef currentlinejoin /jnlj xdef
- currentlinewidth /jnlw xdef currentmiterlimit /jnml xdef
- currentdash /jnod xdef /jnad xdef
- % compare old gstate to new gstate
- joc jnc ne jom jnm ne joy jny ne jok jnk ne
- jof jnf ne jolc jnlc ne jolj jnlj ne jolw jnlw ne joml jnml ne
- false joad {true exit} forall {pop pop true}{false} ifelse
- false jnad {true exit} forall {pop pop true}{false} ifelse ne
- jood jnod ne 10 {or} repeat {currentstate} if
- } def
- /oldgsave [/gsave load] cbdef
- /gsave {oldgsave /gcnt gcnt 1 add def } def % clarry gcnt false put} def
- % (%%Note:gsave ) jp gcnt jpnum (\n) jp} def
- /oldgrestore [/grestore load] cbdef
- /grestore {dpth {newpath} if clarry gcnt get {(Q\n) jp clarry gcnt false put} if
- jdifG /gcnt gcnt 1 sub def } def
- % oldgrestore currentstate } def
- % (%%Note:grestore ) jp gcnt 1 add jpnum (\n) jp} def
- /oldrestore [/restore load] cbdef
- % a kludgy way of saving the clipping path status information
- /restore {clarry aload pop 11 -1 roll oldrestore clarry astore pop} def
- /showpage { 0 1 9 {clarry exch get {(Q\n) jp} if } for
- (%%Note: If Error, make sure there are matched pairs of 'q's and 'Q's\n) jp
- (%%Note: in the file. Add 'Q's before '%%Trailer' until equal\n) jp
- (%%Trailer\n) jp
- jtxt3 {(Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_typography_AI3 /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_customcolor /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cmykcolor /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_packedarray /terminate get exec\n) jp
- }{
- (Adobe_Illustrator881 /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_customcolor /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cshow /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cmykcolor /terminate get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_packedarray /terminate get exec\n) jp
- } ifelse
- ( showpage\n%EOF\n%%EndDocument\n) jp
- jout {joutput closefile} if jMacGS not {quit} if /j3ftxt true def } def
- %
- % Error handling
- %
- errordict begin
- % Attempt to handle the error caused by bitmap fonts (TeX,Windows.ps,etc)
- % this is a big-time kludge
- jbiterr {
- /undefined {pop pop (Times-Roman)} def
- /typecheck {pop pop} def
- } if
- jerr {
- /handleerror {
- (%%Note: ps2ai error, aborting rest of conversion\n) jp showpage
- } def
- } if
- end
- %
- % Mac LW 8 improvements
- %
- /jmacimp { % stroked line instead of thin filled boxes
- /@a { 3 -1 roll 2 div dup 3 -1 roll add exch 3 -1 roll add exch moveto
- 3 -1 roll 2 div dup 3 -1 roll add exch 3 -1 roll exch sub exch lineto
- abs setlinewidth stroke pop pop} def
- /@b { 3 -1 roll 2 div dup 3 -1 roll add exch 3 -1 roll add exch moveto
- pop
- 3 -1 roll 2 div dup 3 -1 roll add exch 3 -1 roll add exch lineto
- abs setlinewidth stroke} def
- /endp {showpage pm restore} def % because the restore stops clean up
- } def
- %
- % Handle (some) PS Level 2
- %
- /rectstroke { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto
- closepath stroke} def
- /rectfill { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto
- fill } def
- /rectclip { 4 2 roll moveto 1 index 0 rlineto 0 exch rlineto neg 0 rlineto
- closepath clip newpath jMacfix {jmacimp} if } def
- %
- % Add a header prolog to the output file so it is still view/print-able
- %
- (%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2\n%%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792\n) jp
- (%%Title: Adobe Illustator 3 Editable Document\n) jp
- (%%Creator: ps2ai.ps vers.) jp vers jpnum ( \(C\) 1993-94 Jason Olszewski\n) jp
- (%%TemplateBox: 0 0 612 792\n) jp
- jtxt3 {(%%AI3_Margin:0 0 0 0\n) jp } if
- (%%EndComments\n) jp
- (%%BeginProlog\n) jp
- (/m {moveto} def /l {lineto} def /c {curveto} def\n) jp
- (/S {stroke} def /F {fill} def\n) jp
- (/s {closepath S} def /f {closepath F} def\n) jp
- (/q {gsave} def /Q {grestore} def /W {clip} def /k {setcmykcolor} def\n) jp
- (/i {setflat} def /J {setlinecap} def /j {setlinejoin} def\n) jp
- (/w {setlinewidth} def /M {setmiterlimit} def /d {setdash} def\n) jp
- (/u {gsave} def /U {grestore} def /K {k} def\n) jp
- (/N {newpath} def /n {closepath N} def\n) jp
- (/g {setgray} def /G {g} def\n) jp
- (/x {pop pop k} def /X {x} def\n) jp
- (/H {} def /h {H closepath} def /D {pop} def\n) jp
- (/*u { /N {/spth 0 def}def /S{/spth 1 def}def /F {/spth 2 def} def} def\n) jp
- (/*U { spth 0 eq {newpath} if spth 1 eq {stroke} if spth 2 eq {fill} if\n) jp
- ( /N {newpath} def /S {stroke} def /F {fill} def } def\n) jp
- %(\n) jp
- jtxt3 {
- (/TC {pop pop pop} def /Tr {pop} def\n) jp
- (/To {pop gsave} def /TO {grestore} def\n) jp
- (/Tp {pop matrix astore concat} def /TP {0 0 moveto} def\n) jp
- (/a_str 40 string def /cnt 0 def /h_str (X) def /undsc (_) 0 get def\n) jp
- (/fntfix {a_str cvs dup length 1 sub /f_str exch string def\n) jp
- ( {dup undsc eq {pop}{f_str cnt 3 -1 roll put /cnt cnt 1 add def\n) jp
- ( } ifelse } forall flush /cnt 0 def f_str cvn } bind def\n) jp
- (/Tf {exch fntfix findfont exch scalefont setfont} def /Tx {show} def\n) jp
- }{
- (/z {pop pop pop exch findfont exch scalefont setfont} def\n) jp
- (/e {concat 0 0 m} def /t {show} def /T {} def\n) jp
- } ifelse
- (\n) jp
- jtxt3 {
- (userdict /Adobe_packedarray 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_cmykcolor 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_cshow 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_customcolor 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_typography_AI3 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- }{
- (userdict /Adobe_packedarray 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_cmykcolor 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_cshow 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_customcolor 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- (userdict /Adobe_Illustrator881 2 dict dup begin put\n) jp
- (/initialize {} def /terminate {} def\n) jp
- } ifelse
- (%%EndProlog\n) jp
- (%%BeginSetup\n) jp
- jtxt3 {
- (Adobe_packedarray /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cmykcolor /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_customcolor /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_typography_AI3 /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_IllustratorA_AI3 /initialize get exec\n) jp
- }{
- (Adobe_packedarray /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cmykcolor /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_cshow /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_customcolor /initialize get exec\n) jp
- (Adobe_Illustrator881 /initialize get exec\n) jp
- } ifelse
- (%%EndSetup\n) jp
- 0 0 0 1 oldsetcmykcolor
- currentstate
- jout {(%%Note: Load Postscript file to be converted now\n) print} if